
You may be reading this late at night,

When your heart is filled with emptiness that is eating you alive,

And your mind is filled with thoughts that are weighing you down.

Know that this is not the end.

You will continue,

You will survive,

You will thrive.

You will do so with such grace and glory that you’ll become a goddess.

Know that I am proud of how far you’ve come,

Given where you have come from,

And what you have endured.

You should be proud of yourself.

I know that it seems like no one listens to your words,

Or that your life seems so boring and bland that you’ve become invisible.

I know that you feel like you should just be quiet,

To not waste your voice and to let them seek you out when they’re ready to listen.

I also know that one day the world will hear your voice.

They will hear what you have to say and they will listen.

Everything will be different then,

It’ll be better and it’ll be because of you.

So do not loose heart,

Hold on tight,

And fight for what you want.

It will not come easy and it may take a few tries,

but your triumph will happen,

For you are resilient.

Never let yourself down,

And believe in yourself,

I sure do.


Oh, To Be Kind


Oak Tree