Goodness of Humans

How can someone believe that we were born impure,

That we were born with evil in our hearts,

And that we need to spend a lifetime seeking forgiveness?

Why is it that they believe my crime was to be born?


I refuse to believe that we as humans are born evil.

There is such kindness and generosity that I have seen,

That makes me believe in the goodness of people.

Such graciousness that gives me so much hope.


You may call me a fool,

An idiot who doesn’t know any better.

That my optimism will lead me to trust wolves,

But wolves are only dangerous when they are hungry.


I have seen the most horrid parts of humanity,

The violence and greed of those with power.

I have seen the unfairness of pain and torture,

To those who have done nothing but be born.


But these actions are not what humanity is and not what we will be.

For I believe in the goodness of humanity,

And I would rather die a fool,

Then turn my back on those who are trying to survive.


Treat Me Like A Child


Can You Trust Me?