A Queen of the Desert

Ana took a deep breath as the majestic doors to the throne room opened, her hands shaking by her sides as she walked across the hall towards the throne. She had travelled many nights across the open desert to reach her kingdom’s allies in the kingdom of Ierius at her mother’s instruction, and she had never wished to see the luscious green forests of her home more. She shook the thought from her head and gazed around at the room before her. Strong sturdy walls arched high above her that were covered in tapestries and murals of important battles and powerful unions that represented the kingdoms long history. Hanging from the room was the largest chandelier Ana had ever seen and it glistered in the sunlight as the sun set outside the tall arched windows. She turned to the throne and inspected it as she came to a halt.

Regally poised upon the velvety chair was an intimidating woman elegantly clothed in blood red shawls that were complimented by shimmering golden jewellery that arched across her body in long loops. Upon her head was a large and thick golden crown that glinted in the setting sunlight, and her strong hand was wrapped around the shaft of a powerful spear. Standing beside the queen, her head hung low, and her hands folded in her lap, was a young woman draped in soft blue silks. The young woman wore no gold and held no weapon, but her strikingly blue eyes darted around the room, inspecting Ana quickly before skittering off to some other corner of the room. Her fingers twitched as she leant down to the queen’s ear.

“Princess Ananuri Tycen, heir to the throne of Kihurn.” The young woman murmured before straightening up once again and continued to gaze around the room with her head bowed.

“Welcome, Princess Ananuri.” The queen announced as she looked Ana up and down.

“Thank you, your highness.” Ana replied bowing her head out of respect. “I have come to-.”

“I know why you have come.” The queen interrupted. “You wish for me to fight.”

“I do. What is your answer?” Ana asked hopefully.

“No.” The queen replied, her voice ringing in Ana’s ears like a bell. Beside the queen the young woman flinched, her eyes roaming over Ana momentarily before skittering off once again.

“Wha-Why?” Ana stammered, her heart sinking like a stone. “Why will you not help us.”

“It is a lost cause.” The queen answered simply.

“A… A lost cause.” Ana repeated hopelessly as anger flared inside her like a forest fire. “How is saving my people and protecting my kingdom a lost cause?”

“You cannot win.” The queen said, rising from her throne and descending the stairs with the soft clang of her spear against the cool tiles as Ana gaped at her, her brows furrowed. “The enemy you fight is ruthless and vicious. They will devour everything in their path and there will be nothing left. The only option is to run. Savour what you have and hide before it is too late.”

The words hit Ana like heavy steel and seeped into her like poison, fuelling her anger more as she grappled with the reality of the queen’s words. Her hands began to shake harder but not out of fear, and to stem the anger burning inside her she gripped the edge of her chainmail. Her home would be destroyed, and the most powerful ally her kingdom had wouldn’t lift a finger to stop it. She hissed out a shaky breath as a single question slithered into her mind and momentarily stemmed her fury.

“What if they come for your kingdom next?” Ana quietly said. “What will you do then?”

“I will fight.” The queen said simply as she returned to her throne and elegantly sunk into it.

“You-.” Ana hissed her eyes lighting with rage. “How dare you tell me to abandon my kingdom when you would not abandon your own.”

“How dare I?” The queen hissed back as the room darkened and the chandelier’s candles flickered. “How dare you insult me in my own throne room.”

Electricity flickered off the queen as she rose from her chair, her eyes glowing like beacons in the darkened room. Lightning struck off the queen’s spear and shot into the roof as another bolt arched dangerously close to Ana. She felt the static jump across her armour and tickle her skin as the lightning dissipated sending a shiver down her spine. She bristled, her knuckles whitening as she gripped her fingers tighter around her chainmail as her anger reached an all time high.

“Enough.” Ana shouted above the crackling of thunder and making the queen blink as her lightning dissolved and the darkness lifted. “I will leave without a fight but listen well Queen Ellender. The kingdom of Kihurn is no longer your ally, and once this battle is over and my people are safe, I will abandon you as you have abandoned me.”

“We have no need of your allyship little princess.” The queen said with a laugh, her voice echoing around the hollow room as Ana glared at her. “And your threats do not frighten me. Now leave before I strike you down where you stand.”

Ana chuckled quietly, her eyes blazing as she stared at the queen before bowing once more and turning on her heel to stalk from the room, her armour clanking with each step. In her wake, melted into the tiles of the throne room, and still glowing from heat were two footprints where she had just been standing.


Sword of Justice