
It’s like there’s a siren in my chest,

Enticing me to jump overboard.

A song so captivating,

Begging me to empty my soul.

In my head I cling to the wheel,

Biting hard on my tongue.

Their song threatens to pull me under.


The serene sensation hits me,

As if I’ve swallowed a drug.

Pure euphoria spreading through my lungs,

Billowing from my mouth in a haze of smoke.

The cloudless stupor washing over me,

My limbs becoming heavy.

The spirit inside me is pulled skyward.


An icy cold wave washes over me,

Dragging my soul back into its body.

The experience fades,

Just as quickly as it came.

A trace of it still indented deep into my soul,

Like the remnants of a damp drawing on a shower door.

The beset of disconnect.


Hole in my Chest


Dear Love,