Trial in the Desert

The heat from the midday sun beat down on Penny’s back as she traipsed across the golden sand. The desert stretched before her in a hot expanse of yellow that drained her of energy. As she walked she watched the bright sun sink lower and lower in the sky until it hung lazily in front of her. It dipped below the horizon bathing her in darkness as the heat from the sand radiated up around her. She kept walking, her only companions being the stars shining overhead. The sound of her footsteps suddenly changed from the soft sound of the grains of sand rubbing against each other to a dull thud. She froze, dropping her head to look down and seeing that she was standing on a large circular slab of stone. She knelt, placing her hands on the sand covered rock before standing again and spotting a small odd shape to her left. In the darkness she guessed it was a peculiar rock, but as she drew closer she realized it was a small pile of logs.

How am I to light it?’ She thought to herself, placing her hands on her hips.

She looked around for something to light it with and found nothing but a few clumps of sandstone which she tossed into the darkness before sighing and slumping down beside the pile in a huff. She stared at it, tapping her fingers against it and clicked her tongue. To her surprise the wood ignited in a blazing fire, warming her instantly from the steadily cooling night. She shuffled closer and before long her eyelids became heavy as she started to yawn. Her eyes closed as she curled up on her side, tucking her arm under her head, and fell asleep. She didn’t sleep long but as she slept she dreamt she was in a sandstorm searching for a way out, being battered by the thick haze of sand. Jolting awake, she immediately noticed the sound of cackling and as she scrambled to her feet, whirling around as she gazed into the darkness, she spotted the green eyeshine of thirteen large animals. 

Hyenas.’ She thought as their laughter sent shivers through her.

She searched for a weapon to defend herself, wishing that she hadn’t thrown those clumps of sandstone earlier. She cursed at her own stupidity before pulling one of the burning logs from the fire and waved it around her as a show of strength. From the darkness the hyenas’ eyeshines grew closer and closer until soon enough their snouts were visible in the firelight. Penny hissed and shouted at them warning them to stay back before a woman shrouded in black stepped forward and was illuminated by the firelight. Penny whipped towards her, brandishing her log as she readied herself.

“Calm yourself.” The woman said, the hyenas’ laughter quieting at the sound of her voice.

“Who are you?” Penny asked gripping her log tighter as she continued to point it at the woman.

“I’m Enva.” The woman replied, lowering her hood to reveal the face of the most beautiful woman Penny had ever seen. “I mean you no harm. I promise. Tell me, what’s your name?”

“Penny.” She said, hesitantly lowering her weapon as she gazed at the woman before her and noticing the golden jewelry decorating her midnight black hair. 

“Hm, not quite.” Enva murmured to herself before smiling at Penny. “I bring a message.”

“A message?” Penny asked.

“Yes. You’re going to be tested.” Enva warned.

“Tested?” Penny queried. “For what.”

“I can’t say.” Enva answered. “But I’ll provide you with what I can to prepare you for your trial, however, once you enter I can’t help.”

With a snap of her fingers the fire blazed, illuminating a pillow made of silk laying beside it and beside the pillow was a small sheathed dagger that glinted gold in the firelight. Penny kneeled, lifting the dagger from the ground as she inspected it. The sheath was golden and carved into it with emeralds for eyes were thirteen hyenas. She unsheathed it to find the blade was intricately carved to look like flowing water.

“Thi-this is from you?” Penny stammered sheathing the blade and gazing up at Enva.

“A small token,” Enva replied as her cheeks turned rosy pink. “But yes. It’s a gift.”

“Thank you!” Penny practically shouted as she attached it to her thigh, wrapping the belt tightly around her waist. “How can I repay you?”

“Pass the trial.” Enva replied sternly before softening. “But for now you need to rest.”

“I’m not tired.” Penny said with a large yawn. 

Enva laughed as she took Penny’s hand and guided her towards the silky pillow. Penny laid her head on the pillow and felt tiredness wash over her. Enva kneeled beside her as she hummed a light tune. The hyenas emerged from the darkness, surrounding Penny and laying down beside her in a mass of warm fur. Enva rose from the ground turning to face the night.

“Will you stay with me?” Penny asked with another yawn, her eyelids drooping.

“Of course.” Enva assured as she turned back to Penny, brushing a strand of hair from Penny’s face.

“Enva, why am I being tested?” Penny asked before slipping away into dreams once more.

“We need you.” Enva replied quietly although Penny didn’t hear it. “I’ll see you again, Penny. Stay strong.”

She placed a kiss on Penny’s forehead and turned her eyes to the darkness beyond, standing like a sentinel in the night. When Penny awoke the next morning Enva, the hyenas, and the fire were gone. Instead there was a large meal of freshly cooked meat, juicy fruit, and warm bread waiting for her as well as a jug of refreshingly cold water. Penny’s tummy grumbled loudly as she whispered a thanks to Enva before chowing down on the food and drinking the water. When she had finished she rose from the ground with a long stretch, readjusted her dagger, and stepped off the circular stone slab as she continued across the desert. Before long the sun was high above and the heat began to bear down upon her when suddenly large stone pillars dropped from the sky to crash all around her. Panic jolted through her as she began to sprint, weaving in between the stones as they fell, her eyes glued to the sky as she dodged them. Just then, she tripped, landing face first in the hot sand with a harsh thud. Quickly rolling over, she cursed before spotting a pillar crashing right towards her. With terror she realized she wouldn’t escape it in time and out of instinct she slammed her eyes shut, covering her face with her arms with her palms facing the oncoming threat.

She waited for the final crushing blow and for everything to finally be over. Nothing happened. She cautioned a peak, opening one of her eyes slightly before she flung both of them open with a gasp. Suspended above her was the huge stone pillar floating like an asteroid in space. She slowly began to pull her arms from her face when, to her surprise, the pillar moved too. She watched in awe as she moved the pillar away from her and allowed it to tumble to the ground next to her. She rose from the ground, flexing her fingers as she focused on a different pillar. It rose from the ground as she had desired, turning and rotating as she flipped her hands. She let it go, allowing it to tumble to the ground as she giggled excitedly. 

She closed her eyes reaching out with her hands as all the pillars around her began to rise and with precise movements, her eyes still closed, she moved them all into a large pile that resembled the petals of a flower. Penny’s eyes flung open and with an excited gasp she ran over to the pile inspecting her work. With a satisfied nod she began to smile, turning towards the direction she had been heading. In the distance she could now see a hint of green on the horizon. Her smile grew wider as she flexed her fingers once more. Her body lifted off the ground and floated in the air. With a laugh she shot towards the forest in the distance. 

