Email Changes

Hi all,

Unfortunately, I’m no longer able to send emails through my website which has made things a bit trickier regarding updates and news; however, I’ve managed to develop a draft that I can send directly from my email address which appears to be working. So, I’ll be going ahead with this plan, and if you’re no longer receiving email updates or if there’s any other issues you’re experiencing please let me know and I’ll try to rectify it immediately.

On a happier note, I’ll be taking my exams for this semester next week which will mean that I’ll have an abundance of free time over the next few months before I go back to studying again, and I’m planning to fill it all with writing short stories, poems, and maybe even some chapters for my upcoming novels; I might even get a chance to do some more fiddling to my website and be able to add some new pages. As always you can check in on the news page for any new and exciting updates as I’ll try to keep it up to date.

Happy Readings,

~ Aimee




Newsletter Expectations