Will You Say My Name?

If I’m bleeding, will you tend to my wounds with a soft kiss and gentle hands?

If I’m tired, will you carry me to bed, tucking me in like a sleepy child?

If I’m sick, will you care for me tenderly, running your fingers through my wet hair?

If I’m scared, will you hold my hand, squeezing it tight when they threaten to pull us apart?

If I’m angry, will you listen well and encourage me to shout and scream?


Will you remember my favourite place to sit on the couch, or what blankets I find itchy?

Will you learn my the curves of my skin and the edges of my bones as if they were your own?

Will you let your admiration spill from your mouth when you can no longer hold it in?

Will you love me with your mind allowing it to be filled up with everything about me?

Will you say my name like it’s never been uttered before, untouched and unsoiled?


Not So Different

