Am I Enough?

Aren’t I enough?’ I think as they turn from me,

The sun beating down on my neck and making my clothes feel hot.


I’m enough, right?’ I ponder to myself,

The wind tugging at my hair and pinching my skin as it tumbles by.


“Am I enough?” I whisper to the trees,

The light turning green through their still leaves.


“Am I not enough?” I scream into the storm,

Tears streaking down my face as they mingle with rain.


“Please tell me I’m enough…” I quietly beg the stars,

The moonlight pouring down on me like a blanket of silver.


“I think I’m enough.” I mumble to my bedroom,

The sheets tangled with my legs as I pull them tightly around my body.


“I want to be enough.” I voice to the sky,

The clouds that float by act as a witness, second to myself.


“I am enough.” I announce to my soft toys,

Their familiar faces smiling at me from their shelves.


“I have always been enough.” I say to myself,

My fierceness reflected back to me through the mirror.


“I always will be enough.” I remind myself,

Stepping from my front door and facing the world ahead.


In Another Universe


A Place of Dreams