Demon in the Sink

Ethan opened the door, his toothbrush and toothpaste in hand as he inspected his childhood bathroom. He chuckled, spying the yellow duck bath mat still attached to the bottom of the bath like it had been when he was a child. He moved over to the sink, looking at himself in the mirror. Tired bags hung from underneath his eyes and his chin was starting to go black from his lack of shaving. With a click of his tongue he placed the toothbrush in the holder and turned to leave. A slight chill washed over him as he realised the temperature of the room had suddenly dropped. He raced to the door and gripped the handle trying to open the door to no avail. He tried the lock to find it would budge when a soft hissing noise came from behind him making him stiffen. He turned slowly to face the noise and found, leaking from the sink’s drain was black ooze that bubbled and gurgled as it filled the sink and slipped onto the floor. Ethan pressed himself against the door as his heart raced and his breathing became heavy.

“Hello Ethan.” A chilling voice called as two blood red eyes formed in the mess of black goo.

“No.” He pleaded. “No, no, it can’t be.”

The goo hardened and stiffened as it warped into the shape of a spindly black creature whose eyes bore into Ethan. It stared at him as its legs pulled themselves from the drain and up onto the bench. Quick as lightning it moved to the roof, hanging upside down as it peered at Ethan.

“Wh-what do you want from me?” He stammered as he squirmed, fruitlessly trying the handle to the door.

“What every demon wants.” It hissed back. “Chaos.”

Its mouth opened wide to reveal a set of needle-sharp white teeth the size of daggers. Ethan whimpered, his legs failing him as he slid down the door towards the ground. He pulled his knees close as he tried to get as far away from the creature as possible. The demon skittered down the wall and towards him stopping a meter or two away from his feet as it turned its head to an odd angle.

“You were so small then.” The demon mused as it slowly crept closer. “So fragile.”

Ethan remembered it too, how every night he was terrified to enter the bathroom for fear of seeing The Black Monster again. He had begged his mother and father to move house or build another bathroom, anything to get away from it, but they never listened. Now here it was in the flesh, crawling towards him, his nightmares come to life.

“You were real.” He gaped, fear seizing his insides as he tried to scramble backwards, pressing his body harder against the door.

“Always.” The demon purred as it gripped his foot with icy claws.

In one quick lurch the demon was on him, its red eyes staring into his soul as it bared its teeth. He felt himself be pulled backwards and when he blinked he realised what had happened. His body had not been pulled backwards, but instead it had been his consciousness and it was now trapped inside his own body as the demon took control. He screamed and kicked against the cage the demon had put him in but it was to no avail, the demon had won and he was trapped forever powerless. He watched through the eyes he couldn’t control as the demon smiled at him with vicious pride.

“What is yours is now mine.” It hissed using his voice.

He watched as it used his body to turn and leave the bathroom, his soul unable to stop his body as the demon entered the living room to face his mother and father. Dread cascaded over him as he felt the demon curl his lips into an even wider smile, and the intention of the demon’s possession finally became clear. Chaos erupted as the demon attacked his parents with Ethan’s body, leaving them broken and bloodied on the living room floor as their viscous blood stained the white carpet red. Inside his own mind Ethan wailed, unable to stop the demon, forever haunted by the image of his dead parents. He watched helplessly as the demon grabbed a knife from the kitchen and escaped through the backdoor with his mental hostage.


The Dragon of Our Minds


Beast Slayer